Launch of Bike Station at Westview Middle School – station provided by Blue Sky Velo

Building Community Through Cycling

Join us in building community through cycling at one of our events or events we participate in throughout our communities.

We build bike stations to help/keep kids on bicycles, ride in charity fundraisers for causes, and volunteer time within our community to help keep them thriving.

Some examples of how we build community through cycling:

  • Riding in Charity Events
    • B Strong Ride
    • CU Buff Classic
  • Funding and installing bike stations at local schools
    • Altona Middle School
    • Westview Middle School
  • Volunteering at local events
    • Hosting aid stations at the Ironman Boulder
    • Assisting with the Longmont triathlon
  • Assembling bikes at Can’daid – providing bikes for underprivileged children

Blue Sky Cup Cyclocross Race

We also promote and put on the longest standing Cyclocross race and event in Longmont, the Blue Sky Velo cup – now working on it’s 12th year.

Get Involved

Join us at one of our community based events – or better yet, join the club and help us better the world through spreading the camaraderie and love of cycling.

Upcoming Community & Charity Events